Contemporary Art - FIGURINES 3 pcs. " PS.27.08

Contemporary Art - FIGURINES 3 pcs. " PS.27.08

These figurines are certainly a beautiful addition to your interior design, perfect for a gift: SHOWCASE CONDITION!

in the margin: "Don't pretend to be a penguin in front of women"

About the item:

1. Figurine with raised hand

height 27.5 cm. width 10.5 cm. base 7.5 X 6.5 cm.

price PLN 50. + KW

2. Figurine with lowered hands

height 29 cm. width 6.5 cm. base 6 X 6 cm.

price PLN 50. + KW

3. PENGUIN figurine

height 23 cm. width 12 cm. thickness 11 cm. base 9.5 X 10.5 cm.

price PLN 50. + KW in a set (3 pcs.) 130 PLN + KW
50 zł