Glass Bird Menagerie SS.27.14

Glass bird menagerie SS.27.14

Beautiful figurines - top quality artistic glass!!!


1. Pink swan

Height 11 cm.width 4.7 cm. length 9 cm. price PLN 60. + KW

2. Azure peacock

Height 11.2 cm.width 2.5 cm. length 11 cm. price PLN 60. + KW

3. Bird of paradise

Height 12 cm.width 3.5 cm. length 11.5 cm. price PLN 60. + KW

4. Cobalt swan

Height 5.5 cm.width 6 cm. length 8 cm. price PLN 45. + KW

5. Pair of birds

Height 11 cm.width 4.7 cm. length 9 cm. price 45 zł.(pcs.) + KW

6. Sea fish

Height 8.5 cm. width 2.5 cm. length 7.5 cm. price 40 zł. + KW

7. Bullfinch

Height 5 cm. width 5.5 cm. length 9 cm. price 45 zł. + KW

8. Owl

Height 8.5 cm. width 3.5 cm. length 6.5 cm. price 60 zł. + KW

9. Green-gray bird

Height 4 cm. width 4.7 cm. length 9 cm. price 45 zł. + KW

10. Blue bird

Height 5 cm. width 3.5 cm. length 8 cm. price 45 zł. + KW

11. Swan -bowl

Height 19 cm. width 12.5 cm. length 15 cm. price 65 PLN + KW

45 zł