Jeżyna dinner service - Chodov 1792 Schlagggenwald
Signature of the Haas & Cžjžek porcelain factory from Slavków "1792 Schlagggenwald H&C Czechoslovakia" from 1918-1938
Usually less known brands counterfeit designs and styles of recognized brands, this time we are dealing with the opposite situation: the prototype of the famous Rosenthal series> Maria Jeżyna.
According to many collectors and experts, only the high quality of Rosenthal porcelain defended this pattern in the Rosenthal edition - far from the original.
In 1812, the company: Georg Haas and Johann Čžjžk was designated as an official porcelain supplier for Emperor Franciszek and Austria and his daughter Maria Luisa. In 1930, the company transformed into a joint -stock company Haas & čžjžek. Signature of the Haas & Cžjžek porcelain factory from Slavków "1792 Schlagggenwald H&C Czechoslovakia" from 1918-1938
Behavior: for 100 years of porcelain: B. Good
A real treat for collectors !!!
Waza with cover: length 32 cm. 20 cm wide. Height 22cm.
Jug: width 16 cm. Height 20.5cm. Brake diameter 12.5 cm.
Large patera: length 38 cm. width 28.5 cm. height 4 cm.
Patera smaller: length 34 cm. width 25.5 cm. height 4 cm.
Bowl (2 pcs): length 26.5 cm. width 18.5 cm. Height 5.5 cm.
Oval platter (2 pcs) length 27 cm. 20 cm wide. Height 3.2 cm.
Squeener: length 25 cm. width 15 cm. Height 8.2 cm.
Tile plate (10 pcs): diameter 24 cm. Height 3.2 cm.
Deep plate (4 pcs) diameter 24.2 cm. height 4.5 cm.
Dessert plate (9 pcs) diameter 20.2 cm. Height 2.6 cm.
Stands (5 pcs) diameter 16.2 cm. Height 2.2 cm.
Longitudinal plane: length 25.2 cm. width 12 cm. Height 3.2 cm.
Total number of elements 38 pcs. I will sell in whole or for pieces
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